5.4.1 Appointment

Adopted: March 25, 2024 


All College employees shall adhere to the following Code of Conduct.  Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may subject the employee to disciplinary action, suspension or dismissal as outlined in Policy 5.4.5 – Disciplinary Action, Suspension and Dismissal or, for cases of unlawful discrimination or harassment, Policy 2.14 – Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination. Employees may be disciplined for conduct that occurs outside of work if such conduct brings disrepute to the employee or College or negatively affects the employee’s ability to perform his or her job.

All employees shall:

    1. Comply with all Federal and State statutes, regulations and Board of Trustee policies.
    2. Direct all complaints regarding the work environment to the appropriate supervisors and/or file grievances instead of acting to undermine or diminish the authority of co-workers and supervisors.  
    3. Avoid confrontations with co-workers or students, including but not limited to, engaging in actions or conversations which the employee knows or should know will result in an actual disruption.  
    4. Comply with all administrative directives in a timely and professional manner, including written directives regarding specific issues or behaviors.  
    5. Perform all assigned and/or accepted extracurricular and non-instructional duties in a timely and professional manner.  
    6. Participate in and complete any required professional development activities required by the College. 
    7. Attend and participate in all required staff meetings and other required meetings.  
    8. Complete and transmit all required reports and other documentation in a timely and professional manner.  
    9. Dress appropriately for job duties and in accordance with supervisor’s directives.   
    10. Arrive to work on time.  
    11. Maintain a courteous and professional attitude when working with other staff members, students and visitors. 
    12. Exercise proper care and maintenance of College property.
    13. Avoid conflicts of interest pursuant to Policy 2.4 Ethics and Undue Influence.

The following are examples of professional and personal conduct that may serve as grounds for disciplinary action, including suspension, demotion or termination.  This list is illustrative and not all-inclusive.

I.          Performance of Duties

    1. Inadequate performance and/or failure to perform duties.
    2. Physical or mental incapability for performing duties.
    3. Improper use of College property or equipment.
    4. Failure to maintain satisfactory and harmonious working relationship with the public and/or employees.
    5. Improper use of leave.
    6. Failure to report for duty at the assigned time and place.
    7. Failure to obtain or maintain a current license, certificate or credential required by law as a condition for employment.
    8. Refusal to accept a reasonable and proper assignment from an authorized supervisor.


II.        Personal Conduct 

    1. Gross misconduct, immorality and/or lascivious behavior that has a negative impact on the College and/or on the employee’s ability to perform their job.
    2. Conviction, arrest, indictment or charge that: (i) poses a threat to the physical safety of students or personnel; (ii) demonstrates that the employee does not have the integrity or honesty to fulfill his or her employment duties with the College; and/or (iii) creates a substantial disruption to the ordinary operation of the College.
    3. Improper use, misappropriation and/or theft of College property (including College funds).
    4. Falsified job information or omitted material information in order to secure employment with the College.
    5. Participation in any action that would in any way seriously disrupt or disturb the College's normal operations.
    6. Trespassing at any trustee or employee's home for the purpose of harassing or forcing dialogue or discussion from the occupants.
    7. Willful damage or destruction of College property.
    8. Willful acts that would endanger the lives and property of others.
    9. Possession of unauthorized firearms or lethal weapons on the College’s property.  
    10. Refusal to accept a reasonable and proper assignment from an authorized supervisor.
    11. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or an illegal or unauthorized controlled substance or partaking of such items while on the campus.  
    12. Acceptance of gifts in exchange for favors or influences related to the College.  
    13. Disclosing confidential information, including student information, from official records to an unauthorized person or entity.  
    14. Engaging in employment or activities that constitute a conflict of interest to the College.
    15. Taking part in political management or political campaigns prohibited by law.  
    16. Any form of unlawful discrimination or harassment.  
    17. Deliberately or willfully making false, misleading or ambiguous statements in connection with any official College business, official records or about College employees or students.
    18. Violent acts, threats of violence (direct or implied), stalking, or physical intimidation towards College employees or students. 
    19. Violating the College’s technology acceptable use policies and procedures. 
    20. Violations of College policies and procedures. 


III.       Employee and Student Relationships

Romantic or sexual relationships between College employees and students are prohibited if (a) the employee and the student have an academic relationship; (b) if the student is still enrolled in high school; or (c) the student is under the age of eighteen.  Academic relationships include any activities in which the employee is a direct or indirect supervisor or instructor for the student, as in a classroom or lab, or is a sponsor for any College activity involving the student, including work study or organizational/club/sport activities.  This prohibition shall continue until the student or the employee is no longer affiliated with the College.  Employees engaging in inappropriate relationships will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.  

Romantic or sexual relationships between College employees and students that do not violate the above provision but that otherwise impair the College employee’s effectiveness, disrupts the workplace/learning environment, and/or impairs the public confidence in the College will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from the College.

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